Our Suggestions

There is nothing that comes too soon for a post graduate student than the submission date for their dissertation. In most occasions, lack of a good plan, and laziness, are the main reasons students fail to submit this important research project in time. If you are preparing to prepare the project, you probably also have questions, which if not answered may jeopardize the quality of your work. Below we have compiled tips based on questions many college students ask before commencing their work.

When to start writing your Project

There is no specific timeline of completing your paper. Instead, you should be guided by the type of research you intend to make. If the research won’t take a lot of time, you can complete it first before handling the final work later. On the other hand if your research project is long, it is advisable to tackle the dissertation in bits a you carry on with your research. All the same, it is always important to start any academic work early. For one, it is very easy to forget concepts you learn as you research if you don’t take them down. Again, writing such an important project takes a lot of time to research, review and fine tune to come up with the final draft. And when you think about it, writing tends to go hand in hand with your research and thinking process. Procrastinate too much and you will probably have an average paper.

How to Keep Track of References/Bibliography

One major problem student’s face as they prepare long projects is keeping track of their bibliography. There are several tactics to deal with the problem, but most importantly is that you should summarize all points and note down your reference materials before closing any research materials. As for tools to use, you can consider tapping on software that helps students organize their reference materials. In the end, you want to avoid all the hassles that come with forgetting where you found some of your most important references.Thesishelpers.com is the best solution of all your dissertation writing problems.

Avoiding Plagiarism

You’ve probably heard about the importance of avoiding plagiarism ever since your undergraduate days. Yet, many college students have their first dissertation rejected because of either plagiarism or a general lack of originality in their arguments. To avoid such problems, always paraphrase and give proper citations to materials you deem important for your project. Always go back at the sections you paraphrased and ensure that they don’t look exactly to what the original authors wrote.


Every university has its own way of structuring research papers. And if they don’t, professors in your college will probably offer some guidelines on the formats to use. Read such guidelines therefore, and avoid getting penalized or having your paper rejected altogether. It is important to note though that many universities accept the most common formats such as following a 12 font text and formatting the paper in an A4 format.

Can you change your Supervisor?

Yes, you can change your supervisor. If you feel that you can’t approach your assigned supervisor, therefore, request for a swap. If you don’t get one however, don’t lose hope. There are many professional consultants out there who could offer you better guidance that the one you are currently getting.